As you keep streaming new titles and the list grows on Netflix, you might have trouble finding the title in your library. You may search for the title or filter it based on genres or other categories.
However, there is a way to track down Netflix’s watch history. The watching history will list all the titles you have streamed. You can download and export your watch history or delete it for privacy.
How To Get Your Netflix Recently Watched List?
When you log into Netflix and navigate the home page, you can see the “Continue Watching” section up top. This section lists the shows and movies you have recently watched.
All content streamed from your account will come up in this section.
But this isn’t the actual Netflix watch history list. To view all the content you have streamed and to download a copy of it, you need to check out your Netflix-watching activity list.
Here’s what you need to do.
- Log into Netflix and select the account whose watch history you want to view.
- Once you log into your account, click on the account icon, and from the dropdown, select Account.
- You will find details about your account and plan on the Account page. Under the Settings section, click on Parental Controls.
- Here you will see the Viewing Activity option. Click on the View link beside it.
- Now you can see your viewing activity on this screen
Click on the “Show More” button to see previously viewed items. While clicking “Back to Your Account” will return you to your account page, where you can resume streaming.
If you want to export your viewing activity, click on “Download all” to download your viewed items in a CSV file. Once the download finishes, the file will be saved on your local drive, and you can refer to it or share it as you please.
NOTE: The Netflix watch history on the viewing activity page is specific to the account you selected in the first step.
As a single login can have multiple accounts, you have to switch between accounts and check the viewing history of each if you want to come up with a consolidated list of streamed items on Netflix.
The viewing history of each account is isolated to prevent the merging of streaming histories. However, different account users can switch to your account and check your Netflix watch history.
So if you want to keep your viewing history private, delete your streaming activity. This way, other account users can’t find out what you watched in the past, and the same won’t show up if they export your Netflix watch history.
Also Read: How To Get Netflix For Free?
How To Delete Netflix Watch History?
If you want to delete Netflix watch history, you have to
- Go to Netflix and log into your account
- Select the account whose watch history you want to view.
- Once you are on the account home page and can view your library, click on the account icon on the top right-hand header and select Account from the dropdown.
- You can see details about your account and plan on the Account page. Under the settings section, click on Parental Controls.
- Here you will see the Viewing Activity option. Click on the View link beside it.
- Here you can see the recently viewed items on Netflix
- Besides every activity, you will find a Report a problem link and a delete icon.
- Click on the Delete icon, and the respective activity will be deleted.
- You can cherry-pick the activity you want to delete and delete them one at a time. There is no way to select multiple activity histories or delete activities in bulk.
If you delete an item from your Netflix watch history, it will not appear when you download your activity history.
So there you have it. You can log into your Netflix profile, select an account, and view your activity history. You can opt to download and extract it. You can also delete Netflix watch history, which won’t appear in your activity list.
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